Friday, May 29, 2009

Craftsman of Photographic Arts

Wow, received my plaque and medallion for my Craftsman of Photographic Arts at the National Convention and Print Competition of the Professional Photographers of Canada. Three of my four prints blogged earlier were accepted into the print salon with a Merit distinction! My best results to date. Can't wait for next year!
Thanks Darwin for taking a few shots during the Awards Banquet and thanks Linda for escorting me to the podium and making sure I didn't trip!
But mostly thank you to my fantastic models, especially Aurora from Childhood Wonder, you are so natural in front of the lens. And most importantly, thank you PPOC and all the wonderful mentors I have met. I have learned so much from everyone of you!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Colleen's Father's Day Gift to Hubby, Calgary Prenatal Photographer, Shelley Vandervelde, SVP Photography

Colleen suprised her hubby with a father's day gift from the heart. This was her final choice for prints. Wish I could photograph the little one too but they are from Manitoba and have since moved out of the town my sister lives in. What a beautiful Mom and a beautiful family.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Professional Photographers of Canada National Print Competition

2009 entries are on their way! I will post the results following the Convention where I will be inspired by International Photographers.